
German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK)
Level 6, 8 Spring Street Sydney
NSW 2000 Australien
Phone: +61 2 8296 0400

Company Representative: Dr Christian Gross, Executive Director

Editorial staff: Responsible according to § 6 Abs.2 MDStV
Dr Christian Gross

Design, conception and technical implementation: Consulting Piezunka & Schamoni - Information Technologies GmbH (Limited Liability Company) Gustav-Meyer-Allee 25 | Building 13/5 13355 Berlin +49 30 2009549-0 (at)

ABN (Australian Business Number): 75 001 428 968

Disclaimer: Anything posted on our website pertaining to laws and regulations, official notices and recommendations as well as all other information has been scrupulously checked and is to the best of our knowledge correct. Should you note any inconsistencies, however, the sole authoritative text is the currently applicable version published in the relevant official organ. Recommendations and information relating to legal matters are furnished without any guarantee; we do not provide a legal advice service.The information on this website, including content, documents available for download, contains general information and does not constitute professional advice. AHK hereby excludes any liability whatsoever for any loss or damage arising out of the use of this website or reliance upon its contents. Pictures All pictures on this website are under copyright and need written approval from AHK before using or distibuting them.

All pictures on this website are under copyright and need written approval from AHK before using or distibuting them.

© Copyright 2021 Deutsch-Australischen Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK)